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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Klingon
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

ATmega328P249 25 979827
IainHunt2249 25 921665
Susan90226249 25 616051
JHl2mP250 25 554510
MontyMcAllister1249 25 479616
mustafahur2249 25 411827
Steve727531249 25 403298
kwaito-rhino249 25 396574
squell249 25 350502
Lewis3413250 25 332911
windmill777249 25 322284
Worf509215250 25 284624
1YEzAxKL249 25 274369
KimBettger249 25 262722
kahless62003250 25 252167
arodix249 25 208691
B.Etor250 25 187991
TesinJose251 25 185632
CornellDov249 25 181827
Arturob563752249 25 163146
LanguageGarden249 25 136885
stollentro11249 25 121458
ClarionMumbler249 25 120000
Swazzle250 25 119099
TheresadeS12249 25 118453
tulpas93250 25 117094
rol_dv249 25 114464
sneakytoes249 25 111695
geo674540250 25 105841
-Katariina-H249 25 105725
yXc1WRYt250 25 97780
gaggi_kaler249 25 97537
WilliamGerharter249 25 96436
RIZZISTANCE251 25 92455
MRFranklin20251 25 88892
JackFilov249 25 79380
Guenter8000250 25 77367
wx.aec608d525cc6249 25 75932
NightKitten250 25 75793
kenny603250 25 73810
PascalDragon249 25 72813
Paepaok250 25 71110
Lerche90005249 25 70000
Spocko2249 25 69472
AustrianHypatia249 25 63771
IchbineinT3249 25 61895
BryanB206249 25 61610
mii-tarou251 25 59550
hallgirl07250 25 56651
2.2L6yoKwI0JF3Ly250 25 56303
La_Mariette249 25 55147
OrangeCatArt250 25 53898
E.T.Gregor250 25 53280
Windy_kai249 25 53046
schutzie17250 25 52413
Blaustern83250 25 51195
NickZ_ny249 25 49990
Mquintinog250 25 49953
Ailith1250 25 48929
Bzomak249 25 48833
Sandy99623250 25 48610
SandraM27249 25 47490
FelixNeo249 25 47301
Ammonammarth250 25 46702
bhaney91249 25 46451
KevinGuitas59 6 45790
Duoking07249 25 45600
Matthew435856249 25 45249
Oldswimmer249 25 44968
JLDESG250 25 44868
HankFekete249 25 44509
cyrallone250 25 43960
JohnToddPa249 25 43929
Kai927249 25 43504
JoannaKoz82249 25 43259
arianadlp249 25 43111
NickiGray249 25 42913
moerttang249 25 42057
Thomas504205249 25 41885
Martok398638249 25 41764
Te_Sin-iong249 25 40545
Polymorphism251 25 40007
captainhappy50 5 39733
George06051965249 25 39233
ExtremePoly249 25 39064
_myr_250 25 39039
Nimak9999229 23 38554
getaway88249 25 38343
boredpeopl250 25 38244
AJ72T249 25 37591
fscaetano249 25 37089
science400250 25 36746
blueandnerdy250 25 36585
realwss249 25 36556
OnlyOneLaLlorona249 25 36553
ThiagoMato11249 25 36201
MichaelARowe57249 25 36006
StephanieGreen0251 25 35947
Dogfuzz249 25 35360
abhs78169 17 35136

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