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The Letter E

The name of the letter e in German is pronounced like the English a! The letter e can sound different, depending on where it is in a word. Take a look at the examples below:

Berg, Stern, lernen
(as in “hair”)

leben, sehen, gehen
(as in “lay”)​

Sonne, Bäume, Erde
(relaxed uh sound, as in “support”)

Get in touch with nature!

Deciding whether to use der, die or das in German can seem very random, but you can get the hang of it. Remember to learn each new noun as a whole, with the appropriate word for the!

Masculine der Baum

der Berg

der Wind

der Mond

der Himmel

der Stern
Feminine die Natur

die Luft

die Blume

die Erde

die Sonne
Neuter das Feuer

das Meer

A Window Into Germany

Fresh, clean Luft is very important to the Germans! Even in winter, Germans will open windows for a few minutes to get the fresh air in. This is called lüften.​

Traditional German windows have two ways of opening: Either the bottom hinge can remain closed, allowing the top to open outwards, or the window can swing open like a door! ​

If you visit Germany in the summer, be aware that air conditioning and screens are uncommon in European homes. Be sure to pack for the season!​