Household 2 · 577de5a79ad548a98fb470ea8841a31c

Wo bin ich?

The word Zimmer means room, but so does the word Raum! So what’s the difference? Well, Zimmer is used for rooms in a house.

Das Schlafzimmer ist schön.
The bedroom is pretty.​

Raum refers to a larger space or area (including outer space, aka Weltraum!

Das ist unser Raum.
That is our area.​

German Sounds

Here are a few words that are difficult to say. Let’s practice them!

(r comes from the back of the throat)
(ter rhymes with “air”)
(pucker your lips for ü)

Dusch dich!

Wasser in Germany costs a lot! For this reason, and because short showers are better for the environment, many Germans duschen quickly and less often.​

Er ist in der Dusche.
He is in the shower.​