Household 1 · 636999666e42a60ec52b738856ead0aa


Keeping your devices powered up is important to every traveler (especially so you don’t miss your Duolingo lesson!) Make sure that you have some adapters or converters for your Ladegerät. In much of Europe, the Steckdosen are shaped with two circular pegs!

Ich brauche eine Ladegerät und eine Steckdose.
I need a charger and an outlet.​

Be prepared for a change in voltage as well! Outlets in Europe have 220 volts, which is bad for any gadget that heats up, such as a blow dryer or iron. But gadgets labeled as dual voltage should work just fine!

Remember the gender!

Although the gender of nouns in German may seem random, there are some tips you can follow to accurately guess! For example, almost all nouns that end with ‑ung are almost always feminine! Plus, nouns ending with ‑e are feminine most of the time (der Junge is an exception!).

‑ung die Kleidung

die Zeitung

die Wohnung
‑e die Decke

die Küche

die Steckdose
Sie hat rote Kleidung.
She has red clothing.​
Unsere Küche ist klein.
Our kitchen is small.​


Some verbs have the letters like ‑d or ‑n before the endings, which can make them hard to pronounce! By adding an ‑e before the ending of certain forms, the word is easier to pronounce.

öffnen, finden
to open, to find​
öffne, finde
open, find​
öffnest, findest
open, find​
er / sie / es
he / she / it​
öffnet, findet
opens, finds​
öffnen, finden
open, find​
you all​
öffnet, findet
open, find​
öffnen, finden
open, find​