Food 2 · 84ec659ba4b0a5e3fea6257551ed653f

Meals In Germany

For Frühstück, most German‑speakers have bread with an assortment of spreads, cheeses and sliced meats. Müsli (similar to granola) and an egg cooked in its shell are also common. ​

Das Mittagessen is the largest meal of the day, and usually the warm meal of the day.

Das Mittagessen beginnt!
The lunch begins!​

Das Abendessen is typically served cold and is smaller than lunch. Zu Abend, the German‑speaking world typically eats breads, cold cuts, cheeses, and vegetables. Der Nachtisch typically follows.​

On some Sundays or for special occasions, Germans enjoy a late afternoon Kaffee und Kuchen!

Ihre Kuchen sind lecker.
Her cakes are delicious.​

German Sounds

Let’s practice a few German sounds!

ZwiebelZwiebel, zwei, Zwilling

For the zw sound, say the ts in cats, immediately followed by the v in van.

KnopfKnopf, Knoblauch, knapp

Unlike English, the k in a kn combination is not silent!

üNüsse, Frühstück, Müsli

Remember, to pronounce the ü sound, say ee as in see and then pucker your lips!