Restaurant 3 · 04d601fff0f03fe5ed5ec0115b844d5c

¡Buen provecho!

In Spanish, it’s polite to say buen provecho to others before they start eating

¡Chicos, buen provecho!
Guys, bon appétit!

Buen provecho is used in both friendly and formal situations.

El almuerzo está listo, ¡buen provecho!
Lunch is ready, bon appétit!​

The stems they are a‑changin’

Some verbs, like servir and pedir are called e‑to‑i stem‑changing verbs. Their e changes to i in most forms.

to serve​
to order​
sirvo pido
sirves pides
sirve pide
servimos pedimos
sirven piden
Yo pido una hamburguesa.
I’m ordering a hamburger.

Like other stem‑changing verbs, the e doesn’t change in the nosotros / nosotras form.

¿Qué pedimos, una pizza o carne asada?
What should we order, a pizza or grilled meat?