Recreation 2 · 0aba1d58fe05da86e16d2b3c11c6a725

Mi querido amigo Juan

You can use querido to begin a letter or to refer to someone you appreciate.

Querido Juan, ¿qué tal?
Dear Juan, how are you?

Salimos a cenar con mi querida amiga Ana.
We went out for dinner with my dear friend Ana.

Viajamos a España

You’re ready to talk about the past with nosotros!

to travel
nosotros / nosotras viajamos

Notice below that both ‑er and ‑ir verbs end in ‑imos.

to eat
nosotros / nosotras comimos
to live
nosotros / nosotras vivimos

Nosotros nadamos en la piscina ayer.
We swam in the swimming pool yesterday.

Bebimos el mejor vino del restaurante.
We drank the best wine of the restaurant.

Salimos con la familia.
We went out with the family.

Fuimos al museo

Remember that some verbs (like estar and ir don’t have regular word endings.

nosotros / nosotras estuvimos
nosotros / nosotras fuimos

Ayer fuimos a un museo.
Yesterday we went to a museum

Estuvimos en casa todo el día.
We were at home all day.