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Ninguno and nadie

Remember that when nada and nunca come after a verb, you need to include no (for example, No olvido nada). The same thing happens with ninguno (including ninguna, ningunos, and ningunas) and nadie.

Yo no tengo ninguno de esos libros.
I do not have any of those books.

Él no compró ninguna camisa.
He did not buy any shirts.

Ella no quiere hablar con nadie.
She doesn’t want to talk to anyone.

If ninguno and nadie come before the verb, the addition of no isn’t needed.

Ninguno de nosotros quiere ir de compras.
None of us want to go shopping.

Nadie tiene dinero.
No one has money.

Buen and mal

Sometimes words like bueno and malo come before the noun. When this happens, you should drop the o.

Quiero un buen vino.
I want a good wine.
Este es un mal restaurante.
This is a bad restaurant.

Notice that the meaning doesn’t change if bueno comes before or after the noun.

Pablo hizo un postre muy bueno.
Pablo hizo un muy buen postre.
Pablo made a very good dessert.

Numbers VI

Numbers 101 to 299 are formed by combining ciento and doscientos with other numbers. For example, doscientos (200) cincuenta y cinco (55) is two hundred fifty‑five!

Sara pagó ciento ochenta pesos.
Sara payed one hundred and eighty pesos.

Este abrigo cuesta ciento veinticinco dólares.
This coat costs one hundred and twenty‑five dollars.

¿Tienes doscientos noventa dólares?
Have you got two hundred and ninety dollars?