Household · 5c20853a8bd39df94c43312d07ab209c

¡Hay un oso en la cocina!

Hay can mean there is or there are.

¡Hay un oso en la cocina!
Hay dos ventanas pequeñas en el baño.


You've probably noticed by now that nouns ending in o are usually masculine, and nouns ending in a are usually feminine. But what about other noun endings? Luckily, you don’t have to guess! Most nouns are still predictable based on their word endings.

el hospital
la pared

Keep in mind that languages and days of the week are always masculine.

Languages el español
el inglés
Days of the Week el lunes
el sábado

“Ese” vs. “Esa”?

Remember that in Spanish, words like that change depending on the gender and number of the noun.

ese baño
that bathroom
esa silla
that chair
esos dormitorios
those bedrooms
esas camas
those beds