Friends 2 · 3489e4501fba96cb64f0eb2c140fde6b

Tu me comprends ?

In English, words like me come after the verb (for example, Can you hear me?), but in French they come before the verb!

She is talking to me. Elle me parle.
She is talking to you (informal). Elle te parle.
She is talking to us. Elle nous parle.
She is talking to you all / you (formal). Elle vous parle.

On vs. nous

On is an informal way to say we. The verb form for on is the same as what you'd use with il and elle.

Il adore la musique.
He loves music!
On adore la musique !
We love music!
Elle voyage avec Marie.
She travels with Marie.
On voyage ensemble.
We travel together.
Elle est ici !
She is here!
On est ici !
We are here!

Je sais que c’est ton anniversaire !

In English, we say things like I don’t know where the hotel is. French is very similar! Notice how words and phrases like , quand, comment or à quelle heure in the middle of a sentence are immediately followed by a verb.

Vous savez où est l’hôtel ?
Do you know where the hotel is?

Nous demandons quand part le train.
We ask when the train is leaving.

Tu ne comprends pas comment acheter un billet ?
You don’t know how to buy a ticket?

Vous savez à quelle heure est le petit déjeuner ?
Do you know what time breakfast is?