Restaurant · 440988d5409dda4f40513bdd7146f7c5

Ordering in a Restaurant

You’re ready for a French restaurant!

Une table pour deux personnes, s’il vous plaît.
A table for two, please.

Je voudrais
I would like
un verre d'eau
a glass of water

une bière
a beer

un jus d'orange
an orange juice

deux cafés
two coffees

Tu prends un thé ?

You've already seen that prendre means to take (for example, Je prends un taxi). At a restaurant, it has a slightly different meaning.

Tu prends un thé ?
Are you having a tea?

Non. Je prends un café.
No. I’m having a coffee.

Je voudrais un verre d'eau

If a noun begins with a vowel, use d’ instead of de.

un verre de vin
a glass of wine

une bouteille d’eau
a bottle of water

un fromage d’Italie
a cheese from Italy

Ou vs. Où

Careful! Ou and are pronounced the same, but ou means or and (with an accent) means where.

Thé ou café ?
Tea or coffee?