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As-tu froid ?

When asking a question in French, we often say the verb first, just like you did with Quel âge as‑tu ?. In fact, when French is written, you'll almost always see the verb come first.

Parles‑tu chinois ?
Do you speak Chinese ?

Habites‑tu au Luxembourg ?
Do you live in Luxembourg?

Êtes‑vous professeur ?
Are you a teacher ?

Asking questions

Some questions ask for more information than a simple oui or non. For these, you’ll need to begin with a question word (for example, comment or quand).

Où est‑elle ?
Where is she?

Comment allez‑vous ?
How are you?

Pourquoi aimez‑vous ce tableau ?
Why do you like this painting?

Quand travailles‑tu ?
When are you working?

Qui êtes‑vous ?
Who are you?

Avec qui parles‑tu ?
With whom are you talking?

How often?

These words can be used to explain how often something happens:

often souvent
a lot beaucoup
every day tous les jours
every Monday chaque lundi
sometimes parfois
today aujourd’hui

Unless these words begin the sentence, they are usually placed right after the verb.

Chaque vendredi, nous mangeons au restaurant.
Every Friday, we eat at the restaurant.

Je vais souvent au musée.
I often go to the museum.

Tu prends parfois le train.
You sometimes take the train.