Friends · eef6f3ee4989b44301240b9fb3ea1973


In English we say you when talking to one person or one hundred people, but in French tu is only for one person. You’ll need to use vous when speaking to more than one person. It’s kind of like saying you all!

Vous voulez des bananes ?
Do you want some bananas?

More often than not, verbs with vous end in ‑ez, which is pronounced like é (similar to “bay,” but without the final y sound).

vous mangez

Mon amie !

Remember to use ma, ta, and sa before feminine nouns to say my, your, etc. But if the noun starts with a vowel, you’ll need to use mon, ton or son instead.

ma sœur
my sister
mon amie
my friend

Notre and Votre

Remember that in French you say mon frère but mes frères. The same thing happens with notre and votre.

C’est notre fils, Paul.
This is our son, Paul.
Ce sont nos fils, Pierre et Paul.
These are our sons, Pierre and Paul.
Votre salade !
Your salad!
Vos salades !
Your salads!