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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Arabic
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

khaled234250 25 7418349
Lkguxi249 25 6855984
ShahidAliK6250 25 4984469
Hoda590906251 25 3776302
Syedney251 25 3767273
Drew194696249 25 3455693
Rob172767250 25 2874309
Kirsten178530249 25 2817458
nurulAshfa251 25 2741801
hsetib249 25 2719197
Jacqueline734714249 25 2707240
MuhdADE251 25 2564029
bernida.iqbal249 25 2529383
yassin7420251 25 2524917
Farid.DZ251 25 2513687
Oldelisa249 25 2483326
Joya52957249 25 2442849
Samir01250 25 2417097
angela255039249 25 2403810
Jan_6093251 25 2395071
Visionaaron249 25 2299546
ahmad504231249 25 2280175
ClasherCyrus249 25 2273119
raghdagh51515151250 25 2201317
Shahida369750251 25 2195712
74.NQ4+JwnLRfsit250 25 2160748
lauraamydee250 25 2118000
Fradoo249 25 2068935
dgMJ8251 25 2040124
Zeenat513821249 25 2021076
AsgGhazi250 25 2020297
Rita43025249 25 2004982
Tatiana66268249 25 1961030
Straightway1250 25 1960079
Alexandra74535251 25 1951801
SanktPetersburg249 25 1947465
AndrewJay85249 25 1944813
MkRTQ90249 25 1935189
Alaleh25250 25 1923899
ZEZwf249 25 1917090
DeborahR489266251 25 1862253
MajidAni250 25 1859967
Lovely728189249 25 1849014
KhalizaKha249 25 1846554
Inna505074249 25 1805695
KencanaInd251 25 1799150
Dennendal249 25 1797048
Ehsan374957249 25 1764331
aj3158251 25 1757342
PennyTower1251 25 1752464
Iqbal302442249 25 1731644
YKr0251 25 1722206
EuranisNei249 25 1703496
Ceeyel-Yes249 25 1685708
FANSUBOJAN251 25 1658828
Bngl643078251 25 1653902
Noname31802249 25 1643847
Amanda23222249 25 1633898
janis44804251 25 1612947
T6U5l249 25 1612814
FloraSoarer249 25 1602367
Janeth775655249 25 1600197
Jamal137097251 25 1593525
DevramShel249 25 1592820
MariaIsaak3249 25 1585121
Adel316482adel251 25 1569443
azheka777251 25 1564339
Alejo.14Si249 25 1562858
Muza361251 25 1538451
GaljaGalja249 25 1536941
ZPlB14250 25 1534945
Taxcop249 25 1522092
Tina174944250 25 1515608
Fima.Cicenbogel250 25 1505281
NoraPoki250 25 1498250
ParekAhmed251 25 1492479
D3M3U249 25 1481546
btrotter249 25 1479461
SukriyeG249 25 1458070
The-Hero-inyou251 25 1456603
kattmamman249 25 1453621
dfafie249 25 1451842
thvlhc249 25 1442157
mnyitrai249 25 1439487
MohdKhaleel251 25 1433005
Elizabeth352214249 25 1428290
MazharKhur250 25 1412697
Maria993300249 25 1412460
Gunnar402413250 25 1399216
Rachel771274249 25 1393208
Sonja12405249 25 1383533
Gloria9703249 25 1373241
Fati226095251 25 1369744
Abdurrahman70850251 25 1355714
Heiko860172249 25 1350789
KestutisBu3249 25 1347732
4d1s249 25 1334971
Carol281608249 25 1333867
Atle900342251 25 1325664
Shadya840278251 25 1323833

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