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Streak Hall of Fame
Learning Indonesian
from any language

This list is based on a smaller subset of Duolingo users, mainly those who somehow happened to get listed in the Streak Hall of Fame with a 100+ days streak, excluding those who never went further than level 1 in a given language, for this very reason the overall statistics data is indeed more or less off and the judgements you can make based on these lists would be more or less biased depending on the number of users per list. Hope this helps.

Tables are loaded in 100 rows increments to make the page more responsive;
you can sort and Ctrl+F what's already loaded into the table.

T-Dawg006250 25 4928386
x0MA4249 25 3682130
Victor982539u249 25 2098951
varievrai251 25 1994867
Annie688334Jolie249 25 1609541
FeiYan15249 25 1406302
lalalayeyeyey249 25 1357965
italgat250 25 1350617
Suni768964251 25 1308739
tjong3249 25 1236508
Beth506805249 25 1222427
bUlr496381251 25 1108293
CynthiaHeath249 25 1048782
AkuRene249 25 970673
CyrilGoodhand250 25 963061
BapakTuris250 25 901057
Phoenix906023249 25 880260
ReijoHuttu250 25 874171
Ari_09.12.74250 25 872825
SIRRIARSLA251 25 865960
isamuddin251 25 772372
SolomonAleks250 25 766239
AditamaGF251 25 752338
MarichaMama249 25 745682
JamesMcCal70316249 25 741485
Adatibo249 25 741396
Rolf993560251 25 713634
Simon279129249 25 693856
szwITJTR251 25 678728
Vince455610250 25 678340
PeterTan17249 25 665174
IoannisVou250 25 662330
RidhwanAbd6251 25 658374
h.dom250 25 642965
carol212961249 25 637764
April996186251 25 612719
Daniel141951250 25 600428
CharlesBri561046251 25 581310
LiliDeSoto249 25 572063
alphagamdeb251 25 568830
annie843520251 25 551115
Chuck169250 25 545620
Damien265787249 25 544360
R_Wlsn_1969249 25 543818
BenjaminL79250 25 521750
Ed4z0q249 25 518684
EmanChan3249 25 514635
xLTP8T7e250 25 493105
Ibrahim35108251 25 485869
AnavaBayuN249 25 482963
KristinaUdo251 25 482540
Charles757312251 25 476049
kelaskata251 25 475975
Shirokage249 25 465750
PAT422395250 25 460965
Mrzechowicz250 25 459089
Derek655152249 25 458173
AMDC1219249 25 454071
sztyopek249 25 451538
Melissa794740249 25 445859
Neil423241250 25 442621
AnjaEijs250 25 440432
metkueemeli251 25 433222
OUmg4251 25 426810
phu0518251 25 426191
kriszna3249 25 424514
IainGriers1250 25 421099
Brainsnack249 25 420352
JeannetteK73767249 25 418014
ElyLane1708251 25 416939
Alex316039250 25 407085
mist84249 25 401984
Jon48119249 25 400037
yoster208249 25 387645
IbuAyamBeruntung251 25 386952
UweRo249 25 381548
Dean896693249 25 381013
JaneKhoo3249 25 379378
Sayang909958249 25 370344
Faried002249 25 365360
Daryl170460250 25 364806
PamSeeburg250 25 363875
Jan243605250 25 359426
jlPpMA249 25 357828
yan672236251 25 356081
PaulMegaSmith251 25 347503
Indolearne1251 25 340751
Allard2002249 25 338368
InspectorJon249 25 334360
waynecampbell12250 25 330615
AsafaMicroft249 25 326173
Math2022Asiri249 25 324609
Heidi705037249 25 323960
RobertWurz3249 25 323687
RianaPanja1249 25 321453
Alexandra600098250 25 319798
FelixYap1249 25 314940
matt703250 25 313718
Sabai354559250 25 313469
Jason930833249 25 310360

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