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Streak Hall of Fame

Please, click right here to update your stats. Last update: 2024-07-12 20:02:03 GMT+3



Sofia Mavridou

1981505 XP#7350

Learning English from Greek

Level 25 · 1981505 XP

Skills: 150

Lessons: 760

Lexemes: 4390

Strength: 58%

Created: 2019-07-27
Streak Extended: 2023-06-12
Timezone: UTC+2

Last update: 2024-07-12 20:02:03 GMT+3


Daily Progress · UTC+2 raw

Golden Owls

Level 25

Languages by NameWordsLevelXP

  • English (el) W 4438 L 25 XP 1981505
    1951505 XP beyond Level 25

English from Greek

el • en • upd:1732206331 • map:1734948457 • tree/id:

Duome Patrons

English from Greek

A message to all Duome Patrons: website does not work for me more often than it does, so I couldn't find a better way to ask this quistion. I don't know every username, so please, if you're an existing or former duome Patron - it doesn't matter - please, get in touch so I could enable this page for you. It was meant to be a little gift for this Christmas - a sneak peek of an extensive upcoming feature ;)

Skills by StrengthCrownsDateNameOriginal Order

Activity Stream
